Causes of toothache besides sensitive teeth and cavities
Toothache can hinder activities, especially when eating and drinking. Causes of toothache include cracked teeth, gum recession, tooth abscess, and gingivitis. These four dental disorders can cause inflammation of the nerves that trigger pain in the teeth. Many people identify pain in their teeth with sensitive teeth or cavities. These two conditions are not the only cause of toothache. This condition can be caused by a variety of disorders both in the teeth and the surrounding supporting tissues. When your teeth hurt, of course, you will take treatment to overcome them as soon as possible. However, so that the treatment carried out can be appropriate and effective, you need to first find out the cause of the pain with dental seo.
The appearance of pain in the teeth is related to the nerves found in the innermost part of the tooth. The dental nerve is a part that is very sensitive to pain stimuli. Disorders that occur in the teeth and surrounding tissues can cause inflammation of the nerves that trigger pain in the teeth. Enamel is a very hard layer that has an aesthetic function, as the part of the tooth that is visible from the outside, while protecting the underlying tooth layer from pain. When the enamel layer is damaged, the underlying layer, the dentin, is exposed. If the damage to the nerves of the teeth continues to be left, over time the nerves of the teeth can die. When the tooth nerve dies, the pain will disappear. However, the loss of pain here does not mean the tooth has healed. Instead, the nerves of the teeth that have died and are left alone, over time can cause inflammation, to swelling.
Maybe you’ve felt a toothache, even though there are no cavities. This can be caused by small cracks in the teeth that are not visible.
Cracked teeth can occur when you accidentally bite into something hard, such as a stone in rice, an ice cube, or a chicken bone. These cracks expose the tooth layer under the enamel, making it more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. Gum recession occurs when the position of the gums attached to the tooth surface shifts towards the root of the tooth. If gum recession occurs on the lower teeth, the gums will look lower than they should be. Meanwhile, if it occurs in the upper teeth, the gums will look higher than they should be.