
3 Marketing Strategies Via E-mail

Marketing strategy is a form of marketing logic that is expected to be the basis for achieving previously designed marketing targets. The marketing strategy can consist of making decisions regarding the company’s marketing costs, marketing allocations, and so on. King Kong’s founder, Sabri Suby said a marketing strategy is a fundamental tool that is used as the foundation of a company to develop its competitive advantage in the market to achieve targeted sales goals.

1. Personalization of E-mail Marketing Content is Important!
The marketing strategy should be implemented as a strategy, not just an ordinary plan that is not implemented properly. In this case, many business people are aware that personalizing e-mail content is very important.

Surveys prove that personalized e-mail marketing content will make it easier for businesses to increase the effectiveness of e-mail marketing. The survey results also explain that when businesses try to personalize the content of their marketing e-mails, the transaction rate from sales results will increase six times compared to marketing e-mails whose content is not personalized at all. In addition, other studies show that personalized email content will be clicked by email recipients as much as 14% higher and the conversion rate 10% higher.

2. Pay attention to the time in sending e-mail marketing.
The problem is, we may not be the only ones implementing e-mail marketing strategies. Maybe some of our competitors are also doing the same thing as us, namely, providing promotions, greeting potential customers via e-mail, and creating personalized e-mail content. If this is the case, then most likely the e-mails we send to potential customers will pile up with several other e-mails in their inboxes.

Conditions like this will make potential customers lazy or uncomfortable to open e-mail marketing that comes in such large numbers. Therefore, the marketing strategy that we can do is to send e-mail marketing at a different time from other competitors. Most competitors will send marketing e-mails on weekdays that is, from Monday-Friday.

3. Create Mobile Appropriate E-mail Marketing Content.
Other studies have shown that most people would prefer to open e-mail via their mobile phone, rather than from a desktop or laptop. The results of this study are that 46% of people prefer to open and read e-mails from their cellphones, there is also another study which says that 59% of people like to check and read their e-mails from their cellphones. Meanwhile, only 15-18% of people feel the comfortable opening and reading their e-mail via desktop e-mail.

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