Distinguish Your Type Of Depression!

Distinguish Your Type Of Depression!

Basically, depression is a much more serious mood disorder than a long-lasting sadness. However, the depression is of many kinds. In addition, the symptoms and complaints of depression also usually vary each person. If you are currently depressed, it would be better if you immediately consult the experts as you can find in ayahuasca healings to help you solve the problems that trigger depression in you. Find more information at dieta then you can also know what kind of treatment that they can do for you.

Therefore, what are the levels of depression to know? Here’s the full explanation!

1. Major depression (major depression)
Major depression is also known as severe depression or clinical depression. Major depression is one of the two most commonly diagnosed types of depression. You can be diagnosed with major depression when the symptoms of sadness, despair, and loneliness have been going on for more than two weeks.
Symptoms of major depression are generally quite serious so that the effect is felt in the activity and quality of one’s life. Suppose you are no appetite at all, the body is limp so there is no impetus to work or move as usual, and avoid people like at work or in the family.
Until now the exact cause of major depression cannot be known. However, some things that can trigger depression include offspring (genetic), bad experiences, psychological trauma, and disorders of the chemical and biological makeup of the brain.

2. Chronic depression (dysthymia)
The other type of depression most often diagnosed is chronic depression. Unlike severe depression, this type of chronic depression is usually experienced for two consecutive years or more. However, the severity of the symptoms may be milder or severe than severe depression.
Chronic depression, in general, does not interfere with the pattern of activity but tends to affect the quality of life. For example so not confident, mindset disturbed, difficult to concentrate, and easily despair.
The trigger is a lot. Starting from heredity, other mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder and anxiety, experiencing trauma, have a chronic illness, and physical injuries to the head.

3. Situational depression
Situational depression is an uncertain type of depression. Typically, this type of depression is characterized by the emergence of depression symptoms such as feeling gloomy and a change in sleep patterns and diet when there are events that provide high mental stress.
Simply put, the emergence of symptoms of depression is caused by the brain’s response to stress. The triggers of situational depression vary. It could be a positive event such as marriage or adjusting a new workplace to job loss, divorce, or separation with a close family.

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