
The Role Of Bamboo In Architecture Landscape

Bamboo is a plant of the grass family (Poaceae), has many regional calls such as reeds and many others, in general, there are two groupings of bamboo, sympodia, and monopodial. Additionally, you might want to go to Couvillion’s Landscapes if you need experts to improve the landscape of your yard.

1. Simpodial (One mother many children)

Underground stems of sympodial bamboo are called rhizomes (rhizomes), in the form of interconnected networks, shoots will appear on the rhizome, will become bamboo shoots when they come to the ground, the distance between mother and child is close together, therefore sympodial bamboo grows in clumps, is the dominant bamboo in the tropics,

2. Monopodial (One mother of one child)

Known as “running bamboo” because the rhizome propagates far from the original bamboo, shoots grow from the rhizome book, this type of bamboo you can find in Japan.


1. Transition

Providing semi-shade with bamboo leaves which rarely presents an aesthetic view when seeing the shadows of the leaves forming on the floor, besides that the presence of sticks pressing against each other builds a sense of intimacy even though the road looks quite wide, the consistent selection of plants provides clear directions that there is still one path, this makes it easier for the cognitive to recognize circulating pathways

2. Background

Collections of bamboo plants that are tightly arranged and arranged very well form a layer of the canopy, resulting in a very beautiful background composition, the density of the canopy results in a dark area that forms an atmosphere as if it is not limited, this is very spectacular in my opinion, very little appreciation of the landscape at this stage

3. Curtains

It is a use that is generally applied to every presence of bamboo plants, namely as a visual curtain and pollutants

4. Vocal point

Bamboo plants are also quite often used as vocal point plants, and this concept can be applied to all types of bamboo, but bamboo is more dominant with yellow stems because it contrasts with the surrounding plants which are evergreen or always green, so many articles of bamboo plants in architectural landscape elements.

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